High Performance Energy Technology (Part 1)

@ room B

Chair: Armin Hafner

| 9:00~9:05 | Opening Address | | --- | --- | | 9:05~9:25 | OP1: Integrated analysis of compressor valve behavior with closed coupled CFD and FEM analysis Petter Nekså
| | 9:25~9:45 | OP2: Efficiency enhancement in electric motors: the development of a low-temperature three-circuit cooling system Dmytro Konovalov | | 9:45~10:05 | OP3: Performance investigation of freezing tunnel refrigeration systems Thomas Helleland Bjurhult
| | 10:05~10:25 | OP4: Development an industrial heat pump for steam generation - resent status of demonstration Kazuhiro Hattori | | 10:25~10:40 | Coffee Break |